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宁波大学特聘教授 刘丰:Spatial Topological Insulator

发布日期:2024-11-29    点击次数:




Traditional topological insulators often rely on band inversions driven by nonuniform hopping textures and spin-orbit coupling, as exemplified in the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger and Kane-Mele models. In this talk, we present a novel approach utilizing the spatial nature of sublattice symmetry to induce nontrivial topological insulating properties characterized by second-order corner states without band inversion. To substantiate our proposal, we design a photonic crystal with non-primitive translational symmetry, demonstrating unique directional waveguide edge modes and localized corner modes.

报告人简介:刘丰,1987年11月出生,宁波大学特聘教授。2006年-2010年在中国人民大学物理学系获学士学位,2015年获日本筑波大学材料物理学博士。曾在日本关西学院大学担任JSPS Fellowship和特任助理教授。2020年4月起加入宁波大学担任特聘教授,并入选浙江省引进计划,目前兼任yl6809永利官网兼职教授。研究领域为凝聚态理论物理,主要研究方向为拓扑材料理论体系搭建及创新、基于拓扑相的光子晶体材料设计及应用和铜系高温超导的太赫兹电磁辐射机理研究,首创提出了零贝尔曲率拓扑态这一新概念和其对应的最简理论模型二维Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH)模型。


1.F. Liu* , Analytic solution of n-dimensional Su-Schrieffer-Heeger Model,Physical Review B 108, 245140 (2023).

2.F. Liu* and K. Wakabayashi, Higher-order topology and fractional charge in monolayer graphene,Physical Review Research 3,023121 (2021).

3.F. Liu, H.-Y. Deng and K. Wakabayashi, Helical topological edge states in a quadrupole phase,Physical Review Letters 122, 086804 (2019).

4.F. Liu, H.-Y. Deng and K. Wakabayashi, Topological photonic crystals with zero Berry curvature,Physical Review B97, 035442 (2018).

5.F. Liu* and K. Wakabayashi, Novel topological phase with a zero Berry curvature,Physical Review Letters118, 076803 (2017).

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